A first meeting for a Bourdieu network in Argentina

Following the creation of the new Newsletter, Practical Sense, encouraged by the Pierre Bourdieu Foundation in Paris, we got together to discuss the creation of a Bourdieusian research network in Argentina, similar to those existing in other countries (such as the Italian Bourdieu Office, for example), to disseminate ongoing research and collaborate with the aforementioned Newsletter. The meeting was held on October 4th, with researchers from all over the country, and it was proposed to create this network with the name “Space Bourdieu Argentina”, which will have a site on the CECIC web page.

The network already counts with the participation of Alicia Gutiérrez (FFyH, UNC, Córdoba), Juan Dukuen (IPEHCS-CONICET/UNCo-UBA, Bariloche), Ana Teresa Martínez (INDES/UNSE-CONICET, Santiago del Estero), Gustavo Sorá (UNC, Córdoba), Emiliano Gambarotta (CONICET/UNSAM/UNLP, Buenos Aires), Gonzalo Assusa (UNC, Córdoba), Alejandro Blanco (UNQ/CONICET, CABA); Héctor Mansilla (UNC, Córdoba), Victor Montoya (UNTREF, Buenos Aires), Fabiana Bekerman (CONICET/CECIC, UNCuyo, Mendoza), Victor Algañaraz (CONICET-CECIC/IISE-UNSJ, San Juan), Denis Baranger (UNAM, Misiones), Lucas Rubinich (FSoc UBA, CABA) and Fernanda Beigel (CONICET/CECIC-UNCuyo, Mendoza).

Among the upcoming activities, on Friday, October 25, the inaugural conference of the First Conference on Sociology of Literature “Tensions between heteronomy and autonomy”, organized by the Gino Germani Institute and coordinated by Lucas Rubinich, was announced. The lecture will be given by Sergio Miceli (Universidade de Sao Paulo) entitled “Genesis of the Concept of Field in Weber and Bourdieu.” Information and registration at: https://forms.gle/z96T5Wv4DsfBNjmB7

On the other hand, the first presentation of the Practical Sense Newsletter for Latin America will be held on Monday, November 11 at 12:00 am ARG – 16:00 pm Paris, in the framework of the CECIC Workshop “Convergences between bibliometrics and prosopography: studies of coverage, circulation of knowledge and academic inequalities” in virtual format. Johan Heilbron, Matthias Fringant and Jérôme Bourdieu, Jessica Ronconi, Carolina Pulici, and other collaborators of the new initiative will participate. If you would like to register, please fill out the following form.

Screenshot of the meeting held on October 4, 2024.