The research project “A comparative analysis of open science, access and circulation of knowledge in Latin America and Africa” is led by Fernanda Beigel (CECIC) and funded by GRIP

The project is part of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). Its objective is to consolidate a research network on the circulation of scientific knowledge based on the convergence between bibliometric studies and prosopographical studies of the publications of researchers from Canada, Brazil and Argentina

The proposal sought to generate a working space and explore the existing conditions, obstacles and technical requirements to build a platform of Argentine scientific journals, in order to make this output accessible to different users, students, researchers, librarians and information management personnel from different institutions
CECIC members participate and have participated in numerous international projects with colleagues from Latin America and the rest of the world. The most recent project is part of the Chaire Femmes et Science de l’Université Paris Dauphine (Women and Science Chair)