Few studies are still available on scientific publications beyond the analyzes of the WoS-Scopus databases, and newly in the last years studies of complete publications corpus taken from repositories or national information systems are beginning to see. There is a very dynamic science in regional and alternative circuits, but these do not appear in the global reports and only fragmentarily we are starting to know their empirical dimensions. There are thousands of Latin American journals indexed in repositories such as LATINDEX Catalogo 2.0., SciELO, DOAJ and REDALYC. But there are not inter-operable platforms that allows analyze that production on an integrated way.
This has had a negative incidence in the possibility of knowing this scientific production that circulates in quality journals, but that are not valued in the evaluation processes due to the lack of institutional indicators and by author to produce valid reports for individual career tenders or institutional accreditations. For this reason, from CECIC we address various types of publications studies: prosopographic studies about the researcher’s trajectories and publication styles, studies of complete productions corpus hosted in institutional repositories, as well as projects for the construction of regional circulation indicators.
OLIVA project – Regional circulation indicators
Currently there is not a tool that allows measuring the regional circulation of scientific publications because the three most relevant repositories are disconnected and bibliometric indicators are only viable for the two collections that offer information at the article level (SciELO and REDALYC), which directly impacts in the scarce capacity of regional journals to grant academic recognition in institutional and individual accreditations. In other words, our regional production has little influence on national evaluation systems where the principal circuit (mainstream) is mostly imposed as an evaluation pattern for income, tenders and promotion. At the same time, all this affects the fact that our countries researchers choose to submit their articles to our journals.
The OLIVA project arose with the objective of knowing and measuring the published scientific production and evaluated in all Latin American journals indexed in the repositories that have journals edited in our region, mainly REDALYC, LATINDEX-C, SciELO, La Referencia and DOAJ. Phase 1 currently in execution, consists of merging the production evaluated and published in Scielo and Redalyc, and then incorporating the production published in catalog 2.0. of Latindex and DOAJ.
Studies on academic trajectories and publishing styles
This line of study aims to describe universes of researchers from their demographic and structural composition, to then develop circulation profiles according to language, country and format.
Studies on gender inequalities in the scientific career
These works are aimed to observe gender asymmetries in the analysis of scientific publications and their impact on the academic trajectory. In this line, is being developed the Dauphine-CONICET project entitled Comparative study of gender inequalities in scientific publishing and its impact on career-building in Brazil and Argentina, directed by Fernanda Beigel and with a team formed by Mario Pecheny (UBA-CONICET), Ana Maria Almeida (UNICAMP), Alejandra Ciriza (CONICET, UNCu), Marilia Moscovici (UNICAMP), Marcia Rangel (IESP_UERJ) and Osvaldo Gallardo (ANPCYT, UNCU). In addition, two doctoral thesis related to the subject (Rossomando and Gómez) are enrolled in this line of work.
Principal publications
Beigel, Fernanda y Osvaldo Gallardo (2020). Productividad, bibliodiversidad y bilingüismo en un corpus completo de producciones científicas. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad, 16(46). En prensa.
Salatino, Maximiliano (2020). Las revistas de ciencias sociales en la Argentina. En. D. Baranger, F. Beigel y J.I. Piovani (coord.), Las ciencias sociales en la Argentina contemporánea. Buenos Aires: CLACSO-CODESOC. En prensa.
Salatino, Maximiliano (2020). Scientific journals in the crossroads of language-oriented circulation. The dilemmas of publishing in Spanish and Portuguese. Sociologica -International journal of sociological debate, vol.14, n°3. En prensa.
Salatino, Maximiliano (2019). Circuitos locales en contextos globales. Una aproximación a las revistas científicas argentinas. Palabra Clave (La Plata), vol.9, n°1.
Salatino, Maximiliano (2018). Más allá de la indexación. Circuitos de publicación de ciencias sociales en Argentina y Brasil. Dados –Revista de Ciencias Sociales-, vol. 61 p. 255– 287.
Salatino, Maximiliano (2017). La estructura del espacio latinoamericano de revistas científicas. Tesis doctoral.
Salatino, Maximiliano (2017). La circulación de la ciencia política en América Latina. Revistas, indexadores y circuitos de publicación. Anuario Latinoamericano, Vol. 5.
Beigel, Fernanda y Salatino, Maximiliano (2015). Circuitos segmentados de consagración académica: las revistas de ciencias sociales y humanas en Argentina. Información, cultura y sociedad, N° 32, 7-32.